What is Design Board Bootcamp?

If you want to take your learning further towards realism and set yourself apart from the rest, this Bootcamp course is for you.

If you want to take your learning further towards realism and set yourself apart from the rest, this Bootcamp course is for you. Learn how to create a 3D realistic Interior Design board using Photoshop from start to finish. Comes with weekly learn at your own pace classes, homework assignments, templates, guides and a valuable peer group to push you and offer critiques each week. Upon completion, you’ll be among an elite group of Alumni Designers and have advanced level presentations to add to your professional portfolio.

Step by Step Classes

Step by Step Classes Get lifetime access to the learning platform and all of the contents inside of it.

The Design Board Bootcamp utilizes the latest training methods to ensure you get the most out of the class. Including daily class releases, printable.pdf guides, assignment critiques, fun quizzes, a built-in community, and the course comes with the powerful “Design Board Kit/plugin.”

Purchase This Course

Begin a 3 week master class with an expert by your side. If you prefer to work at your own pace try our all access pass below !

Helping Interior Designers Design Better!